Book your Primal Journey for 2025 now! 10 spots left

Primal Journey

From hardship to happiness

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Faster recovery

The holistic approach ensures a deep recovery, addressing both mental and physical aspects, leading to lasting improvement.

Greater resilience

Develop the tools and skills to better cope with future stress so you can better withstand new challenges.

Personal guidance

Intensive 1-on-1 guidance ensures that your unique needs are central and that you receive tailor-made support throughout the entire process.

Primal Journey: Your personalized treatment for stress and burnout

Are you suffering from stress or burnout? Discover my tailor-made therapies for recovery

Primal Journey

From hardship to happiness

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Primal Quest

From life burden to zest for life

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  • Tackling work or relationships?

    Op de foto is te zien dat we samen kijken, terwijl ik jou een spiegel voorhoud over werk en relaties. Ik help je bij het aangeven van grenzen, wat essentieel is voor jouw herstel van stress en burn-out.

    During the Primal Journey you look honestly at your work or relationship. With guidance and exercises you get clear where you are stuck and what you can do to change this, so that you regain control.

  • Stepping into the unknown?

    Op de foto is te zien dat ik samen met jou het onbekende in stap, terwijl we ons in een rustige, natuurlijke omgeving bevinden. We verkennen samen nieuwe mogelijkheden voor groei en herstel van stress en burn-out.

    You learn to deal with the unknown. You discover your fears and insecurities and get practical tools to make stronger and more confident choices, also in new situations.

  • Cleaning out old stuff?

    Op de foto is te zien dat we samen onderzoeken terwijl we werken aan het verbinden met jouw innerlijke kind. Ik begeleid je in het helen van oude wonden, zodat je kunt groeien en herstellen van stress en burn-out.

    We explore your past with inner child work. This helps you understand old emotions and blockages, so that you create space to let go of things where necessary or to embrace them.

Faster recovery

The holistic approach ensures a deep recovery, addressing both mental and physical aspects, leading to lasting improvement.

Greater resilience

Develop the tools and skills to better cope with future stress so you can better withstand new challenges.

Personal guidance

Intensive 1-on-1 guidance ensures that your unique needs are central and that you receive tailor-made support throughout the entire process.

What is a Primal Journey?

During the Primal Journey you can expect me to guide you 1-on-1 for half a year. With my therapeutic and profound approach I strive to offer you a transformative experience.

We will delve deeply into the challenges and stress you are facing, so that we can address the core of your request for help. All this with the aim that you can fully recover and build a healthier relationship with yourself, and therefore also with others.

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What is a Primal Journey?

During the Primal Journey you can expect me to guide you 1-on-1 for half a year. With my therapeutic and profound approach I strive to offer you a transformative experience.

We will delve deeply into the challenges and stress you are facing, so that we can address the core of your request for help. All this with the aim that you can fully recover and build a healthier relationship with yourself, and therefore also with others.

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What is a Primal Journey?

During the Primal Journey you can expect me to guide you 1-on-1 for half a year. With my therapeutic and profound approach I strive to offer you a transformative experience.

We will delve deeply into the challenges and stress you are facing, so that we can address the core of your request for help. All this with the aim that you can fully recover and build a healthier relationship with yourself, and therefore also with others.

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What does Primal Quest mean?

The Primal Quest is the start of your Journey. This is an intensive three-day experience in nature, under my guidance. During this Quest we will discover your most important question for help, which we will then tackle during the six months of the Primal Journey.

It is a chance to escape from the daily grind, explore nature and get to know yourself better. I will guide you through different exercises, all with the aim of connecting you more deeply with nature and getting in touch with your inner self.

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How does a Primal Quest work?

The Primal Quest is the start of your Journey. This is an intensive three-day experience in nature, guided by me. During this Quest we discover your most important question for help, which we will then tackle during the six months of the Primal Journey.

It is a chance to escape from the daily grind, explore nature and get to know yourself better. I will take you through different exercises. All with the aim of connecting more with nature and making contact with your inner self.

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How does a Primal Quest work?

The Primal Quest is the start of your Journey. This is an intensive three-day experience in nature, guided by me. During this Quest we discover your most important question for help, which we will then tackle during the six months of the Primal Journey.

It is a chance to escape from the daily grind, explore nature and get to know yourself better. I will take you through different exercises. All with the aim of connecting more with nature and making contact with your inner self.

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Satisfied participants

Satisfied participants

Satisfied participants


Summer 2023: With Paul on an unforgettable Primal Quest - three days and nights, pure nature. Overcame physical and mental obstacles, especially through fasting. Paul's healing words and energy made me feel lighter and clearer, which made me see through limiting patterns and choose love. An experience I wish for everyone!

Primal Journey: Therapie gericht op het lichaam en innerlijk kindwerk. Ondersteuning bij burn-out en stress.


An enriching experience, walking through changing weather conditions and deep conversations, guided by Paul's motivating approach. Grateful for the valuable insights and renewed perspectives that the weekend brought.


Paul's diverse background in bodywork, meditation and sports makes him an inspiring companion on multi-day treks. His guidance during the Primal Quest offers a transformative experience for those willing to go deep.


Summer 2023: With Paul on an unforgettable Primal Quest - three days and nights, pure nature. Overcame physical and mental obstacles, especially through fasting. Paul's healing words and energy made me feel lighter and clearer, which made me see through limiting patterns and choose love. An experience I wish for everyone!


An enriching experience, walking through changing weather conditions and deep conversations, guided by Paul's motivating approach. Grateful for the valuable insights and renewed perspectives that the weekend brought.

3 months

€2977 incl. BTW

Extensive intake

Primal Quest 2 days 1 night

Focus on request for help and common thread

10 intensive live sessions of 90 min.

Certificate of Completion


Book now

Payment in installments and business invoicing possible


4 months

€3797 incl. BTW

Everything from the 'The first step' package plus:

Extra day and night Primal Quest

Personal guidance via WhatsApp

4 extra live sessions of 90 min

Book now

Payment in installments and business invoicing possible

6 months

€4977 incl. BTW

Everything from the 'Development' package plus:

Extra day and night Primal Quest

A relaxing surprise (worth €250) to conclude your Primal Quest

6 extra live sessions of 90 minutes

Book now

Payment in installments and business invoicing possible


3 months

€2977 incl. BTW

Extensive intake

Primal Quest 2 days 1 night

Focus on request for help and common thread

10 intensive live sessions of 90 min.

Certificate of Completion


Book now

Payment in installments and business invoicing possible



4 months

€3797 incl. BTW

Everything from the 'The first step' package plus:

Extra day and night Primal Quest

Personal guidance via WhatsApp

4 extra live sessions of 90 min

Book now

Payment in installments and business invoicing possible


6 months

€4977 incl. BTW

Everything from the 'Development' package plus:

Extra day and night Primal Quest

A relaxing surprise (worth €250) to conclude your Primal Quest

6 extra live sessions of 90 minutes

Book now

Payment in installments and business invoicing possible


3 months

€2977 incl. BTW

Extensive intake

Primal Quest 2 days 1 night

Focus on request for help and common thread

10 intensive live sessions of 90 min.

Certificate of Completion


Book now

Payment in installments and business invoicing possible



4 months

€3797 incl. BTW

Everything from the 'The first step' package plus:

Extra day and night Primal Quest

Personal guidance via WhatsApp

4 extra live sessions of 90 min

Book now

Payment in installments and business invoicing possible


6 months

€4977 incl. BTW

Everything from the 'Development' package plus:

Extra day and night Primal Quest

A relaxing surprise (worth €250) to conclude your Primal Quest

6 extra live sessions of 90 minutes

Book now

Payment in installments and business invoicing possible


Reserve your spot


Reserve your spot


Reserve your spot

About me

At the age of 25, a seemingly perfect life led to a burnout, after which I rediscovered myself during six months of Thai boxing in Thailand.

Three years of inner child work helped me embrace my emotions and become a therapist. Further deepening in relationships, men's work, shamanism, and trauma healing strengthened my self-knowledge and skills.

Now I guide others on their journey to self-love, confidence, and inner freedom.

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About me

At the age of 25, a seemingly perfect life led to a burnout, after which I rediscovered myself during six months of Thai boxing in Thailand.

Three years of inner child work helped me embrace my emotions and become a therapist. Further deepening in relationships, men's work, shamanism, and trauma healing strengthened my self-knowledge and skills.

Now I guide others on their journey to self-love, confidence, and inner freedom.

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About me

At the age of 25, a seemingly perfect life led to a burnout, after which I rediscovered myself during six months of Thai boxing in Thailand.

Three years of inner child work helped me embrace my emotions and become a therapist. Further deepening in relationships, men's work, shamanism, and trauma healing strengthened my self-knowledge and skills.

Now I guide others on their journey to self-love, confidence, and inner freedom.

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5 phases

  • 1. Build a secure bond

    Op de foto is te zien dat ik bezig ben met kennismaken met jou als deelnemer. De Primal Journey begint met het bouwen aan een veilige band, wat essentieel is voor ons proces. We duiken samen in je verleden met werkvormen zoals geleide fantasieën en familie-opstellingen om inzichten en antwoorden te ontdekken.

    The Primal Journey begins when we build a safe bond together. Safety is essential to me. We dive into your past together, so that I can better understand how you grew up. Through working methods such as guided fantasies or family constellations we search for insights and answers.

  • 2. Discovering patterns and blockages

    Op de foto is te zien dat ik bezig ben om te werken aan jouw emoties. Tijdens deze fase gaan we dieper in op wat je vroeger hebt gemist of juist te veel hebt meegekregen. We onderzoeken de invloeden van werk, school, ouders en de kerk en gebruiken oefeningen zoals ademwerk en hechting om je emotionele groei te ondersteunen.

    During this phase we will delve deeper into your emotions. Together we will investigate what you missed in the past or what you received too much of. Everyone was influenced by their work, school, parents or church. In this phase we work with exercises such as breathing exercises and we work a lot with attachment.

  • 3. Emotional liberation

    Op de foto is te zien dat ik tijdens de derde fase van de Primal Journey jouw innerlijke kracht naar buiten breng. We zijn bezig met krachtoefeningen, zoals boksen en stemgebruik. We werken aan bevrijdende zelfexpressie en leren gezonde grenzen te stellen, wat bijdraagt aan jouw herstel van stress en burn-out.

    The picture shows me helping you to bring out emotions. Now it is time to bring out your inner strength, with exercises such as boxing, voice use and other strength exercises. This helps you to express yourself in a liberating way and to work with boundaries in a healthy way.

  • 4. Take back control

    Op de foto is te zien dat we in de vierde fase van de Primal Journey werken aan het opnieuw leren voelen zonder jezelf te verliezen. We ontwikkelen samen een nieuw bewustzijn, waarbij thema's als afstemming en zelfliefde centraal staan. Je leert op een gezonde manier de regie over je gevoel te behouden.

    In this phase you develop a new awareness, where you learn to feel again without losing yourself. You learn to keep control over your feelings in a healthy way and we work a lot with themes such as attunement and self-love.

  • 5. Integration

    Op de foto is te zien dat we in de vijfde en laatste fase van de Primal Journey werken aan integratie. We begeleiden het proces van een gezond afscheid, waarin je leert volledig op eigen benen te staan. Dit markeert het einde van het intensieve traject, terwijl de deur altijd open blijft voor verdere ondersteuning of verdieping.

    The final phase is integration: The Primal Journey is an intensive process and just like safely building a bond, it is also important to say goodbye in a healthy way, so that you can stand on your own two feet again. Of course, the door always remains open for further support or deepening.

These are the 5 phases

  • 1. Build a secure bond

    The Primal Journey begins when we build a safe bond together. Safety is essential to me. We dive into your past together, so that I can better understand how you grew up. Through working methods such as guided fantasies or family constellations we search for insights and answers.

  • 2. Discovering patterns and blockages

    During this phase we will delve deeper into your emotions. Together we will investigate what you missed in the past or what you received too much of. Everyone was influenced by their work, school, parents or church. In this phase we work with exercises such as breathing exercises and we work a lot with attachment.

  • 3. Emotional liberation

    Now it is time to bring out your inner strength. With the help of exercises such as boxing, voice use or other strength exercises you will learn to express yourself in a liberating way. You will also learn to work with boundaries in a healthy way.

  • 4. Take back control

    In this phase you develop a new awareness, where you learn to feel again without losing yourself. You learn to keep control over your feelings in a healthy way and we work a lot with themes such as attunement and self-love.

  • 5. Integration

    The final phase is integration: The Primal Journey is an intensive process and just like safely building a bond, it is also important to say goodbye in a healthy way, so that you can stand on your own two feet again. Of course, the door always remains open for further support or deepening.

These are the 5 phases

  • 1. Build a secure bond

    The Primal Journey begins when we build a safe bond together. Safety is essential to me. We dive into your past together, so that I can better understand how you grew up. Through working methods such as guided fantasies or family constellations we search for insights and answers.

  • 2. Discovering patterns and blockages

    During this phase we will delve deeper into your emotions. Together we will investigate what you missed in the past or what you received too much of. Everyone was influenced by their work, school, parents or church. In this phase we work with exercises such as breathing exercises and we work a lot with attachment.

  • 3. Emotional liberation

    Now it is time to bring out your inner strength. With the help of exercises such as boxing, voice use or other strength exercises you will learn to express yourself in a liberating way. You will also learn to work with boundaries in a healthy way.

  • 4. Take back control

    In this phase you develop a new awareness, where you learn to feel again without losing yourself. You learn to keep control over your feelings in a healthy way and we work a lot with themes such as attunement and self-love.

  • 5. Integration

    The final phase is integration: The Primal Journey is an intensive process and just like safely building a bond, it is also important to say goodbye in a healthy way, so that you can stand on your own two feet again. Of course, the door always remains open for further support or deepening.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Primal Journey?

    Op de foto wandelen we samen door de natuur, als onderdeel van de Primal Journey. Deze 1-op-1 begeleiding is volledig afgestemd op jouw behoeften en helpt je om te herstellen en je beste zelf weer te ontdekken.

    The Primal Journey is a method I designed to help you recover and rediscover your best self through 1-on-1 guidance that is fully tailored to your needs.

  • Who is the Primal Journey for?

    Op de foto zie je jou samen met mij, kletsend in de natuur. Deze begeleiding is bedoeld voor iedereen die zich vast voelt zitten, burn-outklachten ervaart, problemen heeft in werk of relaties, of een betere relatie met zichzelf wil opbouwen.

    The Primal Journey is for anyone who feels stuck, has burnout symptoms, experiences problems at work or in relationships, or simply wants to build a better relationship with themselves.

  • How does the Primal Journey work for burnout recovery?

    Op de foto is te zien dat jij bezig bent met lichaamsgerichte therapie. De Primal Journey biedt een holistische 1-op-1 begeleiding om jou effectief en duurzaam te laten herstellen van burn-out, depressie of andere mentale klachten.

    The Primal Journey offers a holistic approach with 1-on-1 guidance to help employees recover effectively and sustainably from burnout, depression or other mental complaints.

  • What does 'Primal' mean in the context of Primal Journey?

    Op de foto is te zien dat jij in een serene, natuurlijke omgeving contact maakt met je essentie. Dit weerspiegelt de Primal benadering van de methode, waarbij de focus ligt op het teruggaan naar jouw oerkracht en ware kern.

    'Primal' refers to the primal nature and your own primal power. It forms the basis of the method by going back to your essence or core.

  • What does a 'Quest' entail during the Primal Journey?

    Op de foto is te zien dat ik jou uitleg geef over hoe je een hangmat ophangt, als onderdeel van een Quest. Dit is een intensieve driedaagse ervaring in de natuur waarin ik jou begeleid en we samen werken aan jouw persoonlijke hulpvraag.

    A 'Quest' is an intensive three-day experience in nature in which I guide you and we work together on your request for help.

  • How long does a Primal Journey take?

    Op de foto ben ik te zien terwijl ik in een hangmat zit, als onderdeel van de Primal Journey. Dit traject duurt 3, 4 of 6 maanden, afhankelijk van het pakket dat je kiest, en is afgestemd op jouw persoonlijke behoeften.

    The Primal Journey lasts 3, 4 or 6 months, depending on your chosen package.

  • What are the five stages of the Primal Journey?

    Op de foto ben ik aan het boksen, als onderdeel van een uitlaatklep voor jou als deelnemer. Dit sluit aan bij de vijf fases van de Primal Journey: het opbouwen van een veilige band, diepere emotionele verkenning, het naar buiten brengen van jouw innerlijke kracht, de ontwikkeling van nieuw bewustzijn en de integratie van geleerde inzichten.

    The five stages are: building a secure bond, deeper emotional exploration, bringing out inner strength, developing a new consciousness, and integrating learned insights.

  • What is Inner Child Work and Trauma Processing in the Primal Journey?

    Op de foto is te zien dat jij in contact bent met je innerlijke kind, als onderdeel van innerlijk kindwerk. Dit proces richt zich op het herstellen van oude pijn en blokkades uit het verleden, wat bijdraagt aan jouw diepere heling en persoonlijke groei.

    Inner child work focuses on restoring old pain and blockages by going back into your past, while trauma processing focuses on releasing deep-rooted traumas. Both techniques help you heal and grow on a deeper level.

  • What makes the Primal Journey different from other therapies?

    Op de foto ben ik bezig met lichaamsgericht werk, wat een essentieel onderdeel is van de Primal Journey. In tegenstelling tot alleen praten over problemen, richt deze holistische aanpak zich op zowel jouw mentale als fysieke aspecten, inclusief innerlijk kindwerk en trauma-verwerking.

    Rather than just talking about problems, the Primal Journey focuses on a holistic approach that addresses both mental and physical aspects. This includes inner child work and trauma processing.

  • How can I start the Primal Journey?

    Op de foto ben ik aan het kennismaken met jou als deelnemer. Je kunt een gratis intakegesprek aanvragen via mijn website om te ontdekken wat de Primal Journey voor jou kan betekenen en hoe je kunt starten.

    You can request a free intake interview via my website to discover what the Primal Journey can do for you and how you can get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Primal Journey?

    The Primal Journey is a method I designed to help you recover and rediscover your best self through 1-on-1 guidance that is fully tailored to your needs.

  • Who is the Primal Journey for?

    The Primal Journey is for anyone who feels stuck, has burnout symptoms, experiences problems at work or in relationships, or simply wants to build a better relationship with themselves.

  • How does the Primal Journey work for burnout recovery?

    The Primal Journey offers a holistic approach with 1-on-1 guidance to help employees recover effectively and sustainably from burnout, depression or other mental complaints.

  • What does 'primal' mean in the context of the Primal Journey?

    'Primal' refers to the primal nature and your own primal power. It forms the basis of the method by going back to your essence or core.

  • What does a 'Quest' entail within the Primal Journey?

    A 'Quest' is an intensive three-day experience in nature in which I guide you and we work together on your request for help.

  • How long does the Primal Journey last?

    The Primal Journey lasts 3, 4 or 6 months, depending on your chosen package.

  • What are the five stages of the Primal Journey?

    The five stages are: building a secure bond, deeper emotional exploration, bringing out inner strength, developing a new consciousness, and integrating learned insights.

  • What is Inner Child Work and Trauma Processing in the Primal Journey?

    Inner child work focuses on restoring old pain and blockages by going back into your past, while trauma processing focuses on releasing deep-rooted traumas. Both techniques help you heal and grow on a deeper level.

  • What makes the Primal Journey different from traditional therapies?

    Rather than just talking about problems, the Primal Journey focuses on a holistic approach that addresses both mental and physical aspects. This includes inner child work and trauma processing.

  • How can I start the Primal Journey?

    You can request a free intake interview via my website to discover what the Primal Journey can do for you and how you can get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Primal Journey?

    The Primal Journey is a method I designed to help you recover and rediscover your best self through 1-on-1 guidance that is fully tailored to your needs.

  • Who is the Primal Journey for?

    The Primal Journey is for anyone who feels stuck, has burnout symptoms, experiences problems at work or in relationships, or simply wants to build a better relationship with themselves.

  • How does the Primal Journey work for burnout recovery?

    The Primal Journey offers a holistic approach with 1-on-1 guidance to help employees recover effectively and sustainably from burnout, depression or other mental complaints.

  • What does 'primal' mean in the context of the Primal Journey?

    'Primal' refers to the primal nature and your own primal power. It forms the basis of the method by going back to your essence or core.

  • What does a 'Quest' entail within the Primal Journey?

    A 'Quest' is an intensive three-day experience in nature in which I guide you and we work together on your request for help.

  • How long does the Primal Journey last?

    The Primal Journey lasts 3, 4 or 6 months, depending on your chosen package.

  • What are the five stages of the Primal Journey?

    The five stages are: building a secure bond, deeper emotional exploration, bringing out inner strength, developing a new consciousness, and integrating learned insights.

  • What is Inner Child Work and Trauma Processing in the Primal Journey?

    Inner child work focuses on restoring old pain and blockages by going back into your past, while trauma processing focuses on releasing deep-rooted traumas. Both techniques help you heal and grow on a deeper level.

  • What makes the Primal Journey different from traditional therapies?

    Rather than just talking about problems, the Primal Journey focuses on a holistic approach that addresses both mental and physical aspects. This includes inner child work and trauma processing.

  • How can I start the Primal Journey?

    You can request a free intake interview via my website to discover what the Primal Journey can do for you and how you can get started.

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